6 research outputs found


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    Posúdenie úrovne jazykovej kompetencie a rozsahu aktívnej slovnej zásoby je súčasťou psychologickejdiagnostiky školskej zrelosti. Diagnostika je obyčajne realizovaná vo vyučovacom jazyku školy, ktorý je zároveň ajmaterinským jazykom dieťaťa. Aké výsledky v tejto diagnostike môže dosiahnuť dieťa, ktoré žije na Slovensku, alejeho materinský jazyk je odlišný, pretože je príslušníkom minoritnej skupiny? Boli by jeho výsledky iné, ak by boladiagnostika vedená v jeho materinskom jazyku? Príspevok prináša čiastkové zistenia výskumu jazykovejkompetencie rómskych žiakov v prvom ročníku, bezprostredne po vstupe do školy. Závery naznačujú, že pri vedenídiagnostiky v materinskom jazyku dieťaťa, teda v jazyku rómskom, dieťa dosiahne významne lepšie výsledky akov prípade, keď je diagnostika realizovaná v jazyku slovenskom

    The Current Status of Social Risks on Educational Systems. An Analysis Through Social Media

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    Este trabajo ha sido publicado en las actas del citado congreso, y revisados los documentos donde ha sido publicado, no se muestran impedimentos legales para que pueda ser publicado el documento.Social Risk in education such as bullying, are usually invisible to teachers and parents, at all educational levels. However, these risks remain a reality everywhere in the world, turning into a problem that is rapidly globalizing due to the widespread access to the Internet. The Internet has permeated our entire society and is now present in almost every activity. The education and most aspects associated with it, such as Social Risks, are not exempt of this new form of communication within our society. This has led to a significant increase in damage Social Risks can exhort on the victims, due to several causes such as their capacity for dissemination, repetition and virality; greater anonymity of aggressors and the chance for more people joining them; continuity over time even when after school hours; display of intimacy before an endless crowd of people; ease of permanent control through geolocation, control of online statuses and connections; and even the risk of easily impersonating a victim. The first step to prevent these issues is to carry out a study on the current state of Social Risks. An updated snapshot would allow to draw up action plans based on reliable data and develop countermeasures to minimize the damage caused by current Social Risks to minors. The objective of this work is to conduct a study on unsolicited data obtained from Social Media on three of the most prominent Social Risks of our society, namely Bullying, Addictions and Xenophobia within the field of education, with the aim of obtaining an updated snapshot of their current status. The study was carried out during the second semester of 2017 and the first semester of 2018, quantifying the presence and emotion of said risks in Social Media, determining the most relevant terms, as well as the most used communication channels

    Perceived Parenting Styles and Attachment of Adolescents Aged 10 to 15 Years

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    The study presents conclusions of research on perceived parenting styles and attachment of adolescents attending Slovak state schools. The study aimed to investigate whether the emotional relationship with the child and work with behavioural boundaries that are the basis of parents’ parenting style relate to the degree of adolescents’ attachment. The theoretical background of the research problem was based on the theory of attachment and the theory of parenting styles. The research sample consisted of 1011 adolescents aged 10 to 15 (mean age 12.75 years, standard deviation 1.483) from all Slovak regions. Data were collected using the Parenting Style Questionnaire and the revised version of The Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment. We assumed that the degree of adolescents’ attachment strongly relates to their perception of their parents’ parenting styles. The results were significant and indicated that the character of parenting affects the perception of the closeness of the relationship between adolescents and their parents

    School Self-Concept of Children in the System of Lower Secondary Education in Slovakia - Comparison of Slovak and Roma Children

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    In the paper we compare a school self-concept in Slovak and Roma children in the system of lower secondary education. As a method of diagnostics we used the Student’s Perception of Ability Scale (SPAS, in Slovak Dotazník sebapoňatia školskej úspešnosti detí) by Matějček, Vágnerová (1992), who are the authors of the original Czech and Slovak standardisation. We used the innovated form of the scale (Čerešník, 2013). The results of the statistical analysis show significant differences between the compared groups in the monitored indicators of the school self-concept. If we accept that the majority of Roma children come from socially disadvantaged environment then these children belong to children with special educational needs (according to the Act No. 245/2008). Thus, the worse school self-concept in Roma children is not a surprising result. This finding is valid, especially in the relation to possible subdeprivation or deprivation experience based on the deficiency of stimuli leading to saturation of physiological, social and psychological needs

    Risk Behaviour and Attachment of Adolescents in Lower Secondary Education in Slovakia

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    In this paper we focused on the relation between the attachment of the adolescents and the risk behaviour production. In the research we worked with 220 adolescents in the lower secondary education system, average age 12.32 years. We applied two research methods: IPPA-R (Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment – Revised; Greenberg, Armsden, 1987), QRB (Questionnaire of Risk Behaviour; Čerešník, 2016). In general, we assumed that the higher risk behaviour production of the adolescents with worse relation with the parents and the peers, the lower is the level of attachment. The results showed that this assumption can be supported